Late summer wedding in Liesborn | Kathrin & Simon

The wedding of Kathrin and Simon was not a vintage wedding at all it was a very classy wedding in a village of Germany. When I was searching for the perfect background Kathrin’s jewels I was walking through their old farm house and what I found was the old typewriter in the living room of her father. Nothing styled just their real house. I love real feelings and real weddings where everything fits the couple. So was this wedding. Kathrin and Simon were surrounded by their family and friends in their home village. They were blessed with wonderful weather on a Saturday begin August. We took the chance to take their portrait session in the late afternoon in the garden of their wedding location and the surrounding fields. On the countryside in Germany you can always expect some surprises and so it was here. We just wanted to change location for a different background when the horse on the field behind them started running. I just said „get really close togehter – with a little luck the horse will cross the picture in the background“. Kathrin loves horses so I was sure that if we get that shot she would love it as her favorite wedding picture. We were lucky. The horse just ran one round after going to eat inside the barn and we have it on the picture. It is Kathrin’s favorite wedding picture and I just love creating moments with my clients like these.








































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