Katja and Stefan a wedding at the Weißenburg
„Where is the bride“, the priest asked me while I was waiting close to the altar for the ceremony to begin. From the atmosphere in the church you could see that everybody was getting nervous. We were running late and everybody was there expect for the bride and her father. I left a little early after the getting ready together with Katja’s mom and sister to be on time at the church and have a minute to talk to the priest. For the nervous groom and all the guests it was worth the wait as finally after 20 minutes the beautiful bride and her father arrived at the church. A railway crossing was closed and they had to wait.
I just loved Katjas classic look and the attitude of her and Stefan: Being together and getting married was the most important thing about the day.
Katja and Stefan are two people you have to love as they have the biggest hearts. We were so lucky to photograph your wedding and got to know you better during the process of wedding planning. All the best and love for your future and good luck with your new project – your own house.
Wedding location: Weißenburg Billerbeck
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