International wedding at Schloss Linnep
Well your could say we have a heart for international weddings. But this one was one of a kind. Lauren and Roman were the most happy and content couple I have every seen. They were smiling and laughing all the time and just enjoyed themselves and the company of their family and friends. Not even the rain and the postponed ceremony could do their happiness any harm. The Jewish ceremony was all planned outside, in front of the classic castle Schloss Linnep, under a beautifully decorated baldachin. The first raindrops started to fall a few minutes before the ceremony and the guys started to unbuild the baldachin. It took much longer than expected and the ceremony started later than planned. The whole situation and the change of plans didn’t have any influence on the good mood or the shining bride. It was one beautiful day celebrating love, international friendships, family histories and traditions.
L&R we just loved being part of your special day!
Headpiece: Jannie Baltzer
Location getting ready: Schloss Hugenpoet
Location ceremony and celebration: Schloss Linnep
Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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