International wedding in Düsseldorf | Lauren and Roman
There are a few reasons to get married in April: 1. You can only be surprised with good weather as everybody will expect rain and cold; 2. You will have the cherry and apple blossoms for your wedding pictures; 3. The town hall is not as high frequented as in May. The wedding of Lauren and Roman, who get to celebrate their „big“ wedding in September is just the best example.
Lauren’s family specially came for their civil wedding all the way from the US to Düsseldorf to celebrate this special day in an intimate group of not more than 20 people with Roman’s family. After the ceremony we got some time for the wedding portrait session and went to the places Roman has shown Lauren when she was the first time in Germany.
Lauren and Roman we are so looking forward to capture your „big“ day in September and see you both again.
Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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