Headshot Session at the beach | Eva

Every now and then we step out of the wedding corner and do something different. When Eva wrote me she got referred by one of my favorite brides from 2010 for a new headshot that was out of the box, lifestyle and not like all the other white-backgdrop-business portraits I couldn’t resist but writing her „What do you think of the beach ?“. She completely trusted me with my idea and we met in Wassenaar at the beach for a lifestyle headshot session. Some images where taken on the beach and some a the beach restaurant close by. It was a super fun session with some nice coffee and chatting to close the shoot.

Here is a small selection of Eva’s headshot session.

If you are up for some new headshots that have more of a lifestyle approach than a white background just write me an email to contact(a)jenniferhejna.com.




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