A glimpse behind „The photographer magazine“

After the last three days of looking back at 2014 I have a little outlook for you what 2015 is going to bring. After launching  „The Welcome Kit“ and the end of the wedding season 2014 we started preparing for the winter season. Usually we get new business cards and some stuff for marketing use like flyers that we can give to vendors who want to refer us. We were thinking what would be a great tool that was a little bigger than a flyer and contained more information for the couples who sees it. After all we want to educate the couple to find the perfect wedding photographer, impress with our images and tell who we are to attract the right wedding couple. A lot of brainstorm and a little dream of myself got us to the idea to create a magazine. I am a huge fan and subscriber of Vanity Fair magazine and read the Vogue as well and so we took the layouts of these magazines as an inspiration. We are in the last steps to finishing this product for ourselves but after „The Welcome Kit“ was such a great success and still is we couldn’t resist the idea to also offer it in our webshop. It will again be available just like  „The Welcome Kit“ in German, Dutch and English language. Easy to use and edit in InDesign, Photoshop (Elements) and we still consider if Pages will also be an option.

These is a glimpse into the content and the look of „The Photographer Magazine“ that is soon to be launched for photographers in our shop.

– How to find the right wedding photographer

– Why connection is key

– The questionnaire about the photographer

– Images that every bride wants to have of her wedding day

– Images that every groom wants to have

– An about section as the editor’s note

– Testimonial space

– Behind the scenes

– Recommendations

And a lot of space for photographs.


Here is a preview of some of the 40 spreads that the magazine will contain.

theconnection fullframe1 behindthescenes collage1 groom testimonial1 how to find testimonial2 questionnaire


If you want to be one of the first ones to know more about it just leave your email address here.

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