How to get things done? (free printable)
My mornings start like this: I enter the office with my coffee in my hands and hit the „start“ button on my computer. As my computer is a little older I wait by the window with my coffee and watch the people wrapped in warm coats on their bikes getting their groceries done in the village. It is a peaceful moment before I hear the familiar sound of my computer that it started to boot. And then I open my little black book and a sound like this starts in my head:
The „To Do“ list for the day needs to be made.
Do you know this feeling? You have so many things in your head that need to get done that you don’t know where to start. The things are getting noisier and right before your brain explodes you consider going back to bed and getting things done tomorrow instead. I had these moments a million times until I started the „brain clean out“. The brain clean out or brain dump means that you start with a list of everything that makes noises in your head. Write it down, make a list. No matter if it is for today, tomorrow or next summer. When it keeps you busy, then write it down. Don’t think about if it is for business or personal things, don’t think about the time frame when it needs to get done, just write everything down. Often these lists end up to look like this for me:
Scary isn’t? But the moment I wrote it all down I realize those noises get lower. Now that we have a mess of things that need to get done we have to start sorting these items.
I put these in the following categories:
Today: Personal and Businesss
This week: Personal and Business
This month:
If you start sorting per priority and into the business and personal category you will recognize this huge list will get a lot more friendly to you. Your to do list for the day becomes clear and the best part is it doesn’t look scary but doable now.
Keep in mind: A to do list for the day shouldn’t have more than 5 items per category (business/personal) otherwise it will be impossible to accomplish and you wont have a good feeling at the end of the day. I know this is not always possible but try to keep it in mind when you create your list. If you have more items than start your list with those that have the highest priority or those that can be done quickly. The quicker you get some items checked of your list, the more motivated you get to get everything done!
And just because a to do list is even more fun when it looks pretty here is a free printable for your daily to dos!
To do list
Happy planning!
PS: click here if you want more freebies and marketing templates for your business.
Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
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