Q&A: How to get the best images of your bride in moments where you shouldn’t interfere

I already talked here about educating the client in advance to a wedding day. But what does that mean? Here are two tips we give our brides in advance to her wedding to make sure we get the best images during those moments where you cannot interfere and when your task as a wedding photographer is just to capture moments instead of telling people how to stand and pose.

1. Usually the bride is not alone during the getting ready. Her mum, her sister or her best friend will help her get dressed. To make sure the bride and her „helpers“ like the image afterwards and it will get a beautiful place in their album you should educate the women to already dress up in their wedding outfits to help the bride get dressed. Like that nobody wears a jeans and sneakers or even a yoga pant in the image. Images with people in yoga pants never make it into the album.

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2. Tell the bride to give her wedding bouquet to her maid of honour right after she walks out of the church. This assures she can embrace her wedding guests when they come to congratulate the couple without hiding her face or the face of the guest when embracing them. This allows you as their photographer to take pictures of beautiful emotions instead of flowers hiding faces.

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If you want more inspiration to educate your client sign up for our welcome kit release date. The kit will be soon available download here on our site. The welcome kit will be a full set of customizable education and information material in a nice design that you can send to your clients before the wedding to make sure everything will be perfectly organized for the wedding images.

PS Only signed up you will get the coupon code with the early bird reduction ;-)




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