Follow your dreams, they know the way
When I started my business I was following my dream. I had the dream of becoming a wedding photographer. The moment I went full time I thought „Wow now I made it, I am a full time wedding photographer“. That was four years ago and today I know some things that I didn’t know when I started and sometimes I wish I could tell that to myself standing there pride and sure I made it.
1. Just because you are a full time wedding photographer that doesn’t mean you don’t have to fight any more. You have to fight even more than before because now your whole income is dependent on your photography.
2. Find some friends in the industry. Those who will listen to you and those you listen to. You will need them and it is a great feeling when you can help somebody too.
3. Stop looking around at what others do. There are so many „famous and successful“ photographers out there. They put their pants on one leg at a time and all that glitters is not gold. Don’t believe everything you read.
4. Keep on learning. Never stop learning, getting inspired and moving forward. There are a lot of great photographer classes out there. Look for photographers that inspire you and see if they offer workshops.
5. „Follow your dreams, they know the way.“ – Kobe Yamada / I read this quote some weeks ago and it is so true. Everything started with a dream and till today this dream is leading me along the path. It is not always easy and sometimes the path gets quite hard to walk but never stop following your dream.
PS I really like this image. I was thinking lately of adding a shop with prints of some travel images to my site. I hope you like that idea too.

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