Featured Friday: Hochdruckgebiet – wonderful letterpress art

I was searching for a good letterpress printer for quite a while. I was searching all over Germany and even in Europe to find a company that I wanted to work with. I was searching a printer for my own stationery as for recommendations to my clients. Letterpress is a very special kind of printing. You even shouldn’t just call it printing it is an art, a hand craft of producing beautiful pieces of stationery. The text is engraved with a huge letterpress printer into the paper which makes it look classy and extraordinary. Last week I had the honor to meet Natali in her working room and she showed me how letterpress is done and how she works. After seeing the huge machines and the work behind any piece of paper-art that leaves her studio makes me feel pure respect and enthusiasm for this handcraft art. I am very happy to introduce you here and recommend you Natali and her letterpress studio in Heek – which is just 10 km from my office in Havixbeck. Sometimes good things are closer than you expect them to be.

Don’t forget to have a look at her website : Hochdruckgebiet
















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