Factory Hotel Wedding | Alicia & Thomas
I am slowly getting to blog my wonderful weddings from this summer and I am super happy to present you the wedding of Alicia and Thomas today.
Alicia and Thomas‘ wedding was designed classic and elegant with a white and blue colour scheme. Everything was perfect from the getting ready till the late night. Two best friends getting married and their family and friends around them – a day filled with laughter and joy and believe me a stunning bride. Those of you who are familiar with German soccer might guess where this color scheme comes from but when the groom and most of the guests are active soccer players and the other guests are soccer fans you can combine soccer with classic and elegance to create a royal blue and white wedding theme.
Alicia started her day with her bridesmaids and her mother in her suite in the Factory Hotel. I just loved the dresses of her bridesmaids as they fitted the theme so well combined with her white dress and here in Europe we don’t often see matching bridesmaids dresses. As I already said it was a perfect day start to finish with a wedding couple that couldn’t be more in love – what more can I ask for as a wedding photographer ?
Alicia and Thomas thank you so much for choosing me as your wedding photographer. We loved every single moment of your special day. I even started watching soccer … which no one else ever got me to watch. I wish you all the luck and love in the world for your future.
And a personal note: I just loved their wedding sermon
ever yours
ever mine
ever ours
Hair and Make-up : Daniela Plesser
Location : Factory Hotel Münster
Photobooth: Black-Boxx
Rings : Marrying
Wedding Planning and Styling: Annika Wietzorke
Flowers: Dahlmann
Wedding Dress: Annabella
Photography: Jennifer Hejna
Alicia and Thomas used the Black-Boxx for their guest book.
The photobooth printed two rows of images instead of one and the guests cut it into halves. One have to take home and one half to put into the guest book.
We really liked this idea and look forward to future weddings where the Black-Boxx is not only a fun photobooth but also a part of the guest book !

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