The European Wedding Congress
Anouschka Rokebrand and her hubby Ray started in 2013 with the very first European Wedding congress in the Netherlands (back then it was called the Dutch wedding congress). This year this power couple are organizing the 3rd European wedding congress with an exceptional line up for wedding planners and wedding photographers. We are very proud to be partner of this years edition of the European Wedding Congress in April.
What is the European Wedding Congress?
The European Wedding Congress, where wedding professionals meet, inspire and create!
Edition 3 at Kasteel de Hooge Vuursche in Baarn, The Netherlands on April 8th and 9th 2015. This will be a weddingphotographer, weddingplanner & stylists special!
The amazing line up of speakers include Jasmine Star, Louise of B.Loved, Pearl & Godiva and KT Merry.
Want to read more?Â
If you want to read a little more about the congress and an interview with Anouschka Rokebrand head over to the blog of The Female Photographer Association who is writing today about the congress too. And you can win one golden ticket for the EWC on her site too so make sure to read the full article and learn how to win the ticket.
So what are you waiting for? Head over to the website of the European Wedding Congress and book your ticket right now as the seats are limited.
PS: On day two all speakers are holding exclusive workshops!Â

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