Engagement session at the Silbersee | Hannah & Andreas
I was still holding the iphone app in my hand when we drove to the Silbersee, the weather app open and refreshing every 10 seconds. Rain was the weather forecast and we couldn’t change the date for this engagement session. We stepped out of the car zipping our Jack Wolfskin jackets as it was really windy and cold this afternoon and walked around the Silbersee to spot some nice locations for the session. The app said it should stay dry for at least 30 minutes so we started the session quickly to avoid shooting in the rain. We got 45 minutes and what happend was just like a miracle. Within these 45 minutes we got 20 minutes of beautiful afternoon sun just perfect for Hannah and Andreas‘ engagement session at the lake.
Just ready before the rain started we went into the beach restaurant to have a hot tea to warm up again and chat about the wedding, about life about the strange weather and just having a wonderful time. We laughed about the pouring rain and how lucky we have been with our time planning.
Hannah and Andreas thank you so much for this lovely afternoon with you at the Silbersee. We are already so looking forward to capture your day in August and see you two again.

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