An engagement session at the Pricipal Market | Nina & Alex
I am sitting here cuddled up behind my desk with coffee and a warm pullover. Yes autumn has finally arrived and secretly I am already looking forward to Christmas. But let’s stay where we are and enjoy the colors and the light of autumn.
Nina and Alex contacted us when we were on the island Juist. I read their email in the morning having a coffee as Conrad came standing next to me putting his hand on my back and asked „Anything new?“ „We got a nice email from this couple called Nina and Alex.“ I said. „Oh nice show me.“ And I turned the laptop so he could read their email. He started smiling and said „Oh funny they both went to high school with me.“ Sometimes the world just becomes a little bit smaller.
For the engagement session of Nina and Alex we were so lucky to have one of those golden warm days where you don’t know if it is already autumn or summer. We met with them in the city centre of Münster to take their pictures. Now living in Hamburg they wanted their engagement session to be in the scenery of their home town Münster. We just had a super fun time with these two and right when I thought this afternoon couldn’t get any better Nina asked me if a tulle skirt would be appropriate for the engagement session, she happened to have one in her trolley that she carried with her for other outfits.
Nina and Alex we are so looking forward to photograph your wedding next year. Thank you for this lovely afternoon with you two.

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