Engagement Session Münster | Desiree & Andre
There are together since ever and ever or at least since high school. And knowing each other for half a lifetime and loving each other for almost the same period of time they are now tying the knot and becoming husband and wife. They wanted an engagement session in their home town Münster where they live together. So we chose backgrounds that show typical sights of Münster.
I love it when I get the chance to know my clients better before the wedding. The engagement session with Desiree and Andre was just so much fun and so relaxed that we ended in a Café with a tea laughing and chatting about the wedding. This way I really got to know them and got the chance to recommend some of my favourite vendors in the region to make sure their wedding will be fantastic without any worries.
I got a second chance to get to know them as I already photographed their civil marriage in December. It was again so much fun as if we knew each other for a long time – maybe not as long as they are together but we weren’t foreigners any more. Keep an eye on the blog to see the pictures of their civil wedding.
PS I just loved her Desiree’s hair was flying around always making us laugh.

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