An engagement session at the castle | Polina & Torsten
It was the most beautiful weather when Polina and I decided to change the date of their engagement session to the same day afternoon instead of two days later. But when we arrived at the castle for their images it was totally overcast and she worried if we could get any beautiful pictures without sun. I explained to her that as long as it doesn’t rain everything is fine and the weather is perfect. We walked around the castle and into the botanic gardens just talking and talking pictures and had so so much fun. Afterwards we just wanted to end the session with a coffee at a coffee house close by but as soon as we smelled the food and saw their big menu we all four discovered that we were terribly hungry. We stayed the whole evening having dinner together, laughing about life and telling us stories. At the end of the evening Polina said to us „What a pity, now that we know you two so well we cannot invite you to our wedding party as you will have to work that day.“ And Polina believe me we are so looking forward to your wedding day in January and we love to be part of it as your photographers.

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