An engagement session in black and white
Yesterday Sabrina and Matthias came to us to pick up their wedding album. We chatted and chatted and talked about their wedding, about our wedding and the plans ahead. The time flew by and seeing them leave with the album under the arm as the final product that we serve them was, like always, like the last chapter of a story. There was one thing that Sabrina told me yesterday when she said how much she loved her wedding pictures: „And the pictures I love most, are the black and white ones.“ Those of you reading this blog more frequently know how much I love black and white images and hearing that a couple shares that passion and that they love their black and whites especially makes my heart jump and let a big smile appear on my face.
So I thought I should include the love for black and white images into their first blog post.
The engagement session of Sabrina and Matthias: mostly in black and white!

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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