Dark clouds at the lake, an engagement session with Özlem and Sascha
It was a humid and hot day in August when we met with Özlem and Sascha for their engagement session. They had the idea of taking their pictures at a lake and suggested this outstanding location that we had never seen before and isn’t an hour drive from our studio. We drove there seeing the dark clouds coming closer and closer. „It will rain,“ I said to Conrad and our intern Simon who was sitting on the back-seat of our car. After greeting Özlem and Sascha at the parking we literally hiked in fast speed to the lake. „I am a little nervous, we had never been in front of the camera“, Özlem said to me. „Don’t worry, none of our couples have every been,“ I replied smiling at her. We wanted to get a few pictures before the rain would start. We heard the thunder rolling and saw the dark clouds came closer and closer. The light was just outstanding and special and I was immediately smitten by the rich colours we would get from this session. Özlem and Sascha were just so lovely and natural together in front of our camera that even though we felt the pressure of the thunder storm coming
closer and closer we could enjoy this session and had so much fun together. The rain drops started dropping on the front window of our car as soon as we hit the road home again.

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