You have to dare to change

On Wednesday evening Conrad and me arrived home after more than six hours train travel from München to Münster. We were tired and happy after an inspired week but I can tell you the couch was shouting my name so loud I fell on it the moment I took off my shoes. What we needed that evening was just hanging together side by side on the couch and some easy TV program. We watched the final of the TV show „The biggest loser“ . You might call it junk TV and I am sure it is but there are two points that I like about that program.

1. I learn about healthy food and how to loose weight (a topic that never gets boring for me).

2. I see how hard people are able to work on themselves to change and make their dreams come true.

This Wednesday night I recognized something: the candidates from „The biggest loser“ weren’t so different from the photographers who came to the workshops on the Keepsakes tour this week. I don’t reference to their body weight I reference to their willingness to work on themselves. The candidates of „The biggest loser“ in the final were shown before the program and after. Some just lost some kilos but still were overweight. And there were some candidates, specially the finalists who managed to lose 48% of their body weight from heavily overweight down to a normal weight.Here is a picture of the winner of the program to show you what I am talking about.

biggest loser.ff Kopie Kopie


During the four workshops in Germany last week I saw something similar. You will only change if you accept the advice and if you are willing to work hard on yourself and your business. You will only succeed if you break out of your daily business routine, if you dare to go out of your comfort zone, if you try to find your purpose and style and inner voice, try out new photography techniques and if you start thinking in a different way.


Two completely different programs one for photographers one for weight loss with the same message: You will only be successful if you dare to change, if you are not afraid to do the hard work and if you are open to new ideas and to share with others. Some understand that and lose 48% of their body weight or get their 40-50 weddings each year without fighting for it others just stay where they are because it seems to hard to overcome being stuck in their habits of eating and doing no sport or stuck in their working routines for the past 20 years.

You have to dare to change, you have to dare to do the work. If you don’t change it nobody else will do it for you.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.

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