Coming soon: Price list templates

The wedding season has already passed it’s peak and slowly the season 2016 becomes a reality in my head. This is the time of the year to think about if we want to change our prices for the new season and if we want to update our price list with new images to show our most recent work.

In the past week we did just that and a little more: we created two completely new price list templates for wedding photographers including:

– a front page

– a welcome page

– an about page

– experience, trust and more page

– what if it rains?

– how long should a wedding photographer be present during the day?

– black and white and it’s time less effect

– the prices

– the details

– questions and answers

– what other couples say about the photographer

– a back page

The template will be available fro InDesign, Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. We recommend using it as a PDF and sending it by email to all wedding couples that send you an inquiry. Our two new templates will assure you will set yourself apart from other photographers who just send out an email including their prices. These pdf brochures will showcase your work along with prices, information and positive client reviews to impress.

This is our „Verona“ template, romantic and classic which will be the first new template in our shop.

verona prices

If you want to be one of the first to know when we launch the price list templates in our shop and receive the early bird reduction code then sign up here:



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