A classic wedding in Münster
She was nervous „Will the rain ever going to stop today ?“ Daniela Plesser was busy doing her beautiful bridal hair and Jana was worried for the weather forecast. I went upstairs to Uli as they both were getting ready in their home for their wedding day. „Don’t worry“, he told me „I am living in Münster since years the rain will stop. Let’s have the first look like we planned at the Aasee. The rain will be gone by then“.
And so we did. They both met for the first time on their wedding day at the Aasee and from then their whole wedding day stayed dry. It has been a day full of emotions and surprises for the couple. Have a look yourself at this classic wedding at Gut Havichhorst with a ceremony held at the Clemenskirche.
Hair and Make-up: Daniela Plesser
Wedding Location: Gut Havichhorst
Wedding Rings: Marrying Münster
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