Civil wedding at Burg Hülshoff | Mareike & Frank
„You know what ?“ Mareike asked me when we sat together for a coffee some weeks before her wedding „I found my dress for the civil wedding. You wont believe but it is pink.“
I see each and every wedding as being a special day. Not one single wedding is the same and people and couples are always different like each and every love story is unique. Photographing a friends wedding is for me personally very special too. Photographing it on the hottest day of the year made it even more special.
You might remember Mareike and Frank from their engagement session in a boat earlier on the blog. They decided to split their wedding into two parts, the civil wedding on a Friday and the big wedding in the church on the following Saturday. This civil wedding took place at a little castle close to our home town called Burg Hülshoff. It was around 38 degrees Celsius outside and not one single cloud in the sky.
A stunning smiling bride in a pink dress and a proud groom by her side walked this morning to the old castle to write their history at a historic place.
A special thanks goes to Elli who has been our third shooter for those two days. Some of the images below are from her.
Enjoy the dose of sun and love and keep an eye on the blog to not miss the second part of their wedding.
These two love birds taking care of Elna and the balloons are the next ones and getting married this summer !
Me and my girls (including Eva’s daughter Elna). Sorry for the read sweated heads – it was REALLY warm that day.
At the end of the day we almost all looked like this picture from Elna from the heat – happy and tired.

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