Cherry blossoms in Paris
They walked past the Eiffel Tour, her hand in his, the spring breeze is letting her hair fly when he stopped, kissed her cheek and whispered „I love you“ into her ear.
I walked behind them hearing the shutter of my camera while smiling at this precious moment. Paris is always a good idea specially for an engagement session in spring. The cherry blossoms are blowing and the first rays of sunlight warm up the city and make it come alive again after the long winter.
Daniela and Andreas asked me to capture there engagement pictures in Paris. We walked around the city chatting about their wedding and about Paris. We took the taxi to take the long distance from the Eiffel Tour to Montmartre. We got out of the car and he put his arm around her whispering again into her ear. I couldn’t hear it this time but what I could see was a couple in love that cared for each other to create a perfect day.
Like most of the engagement sessions we ended in a small coffee house, this time in Montmartre.
„Paris c’est toujours une bonne idee“

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