• Dinah booked me 1,5 years before their wedding with the words „I so want to book you for my wedding day. I was looking at your website even before he proposed and just waited for the proposal to contact you.“ How can I not be more than thrilled to photograph a wedding of […]

  • When you are planning your wedding you have to think about a million things. Though on your wedding day you just want to enjoy it without being busy organizing the last pieces. The getting ready in the morning of your wedding day is the time of anticipation and excitement. Your mom and sister, […]

  • They met 10 years ago in the bank where he was working as a junior financial consultant. As destiny is waiting sometimes on those places where we don’t expect it Stefan got the appointment to advise Katharina about her financial assets and bank accounts.  After an intense consultation about finances where he was […]

  • Wedding themes or a colour for the day makes it easy for couples to determine all details and decoration. This wedding of Janneke and Bart in Utrecht had the wedding theme „A touch of pink“. If you know Janneke and Bart and their tiny house in Utrecht you would not be surprised about […]

  • The last years as a wedding photographer I saw an interesting trend. Though only the marriages of my friends got me thinking about it. Less and less women change there names after they are married. Why is that ? Most of them said to me when I asked them „Oh I don’t see […]

  • The snow is still laying on my window while I am typing this and the heating is full powering to prevent me from freezing to my desk. Looking back at this beautiful day reminds me of how beautiful the summer is and I can’t wait for this summer wedding season to get started. […]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.

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