Meeting the first time with our wedding couples we sit nicely together and chat about them, about us and about the wedding of course. It is all a nice and relaxed atmosphere and then there is this one question that feels like if all lights bundle and a spot like in police interrogation is hit at me: And what if it rains ?
All eyes are on me and expect me to have a super fancy answer or say something like: "We can always shift the couple session to another date !" And just close with a little shy smile. But no that is not what is going to happen. Well if it rains it rains and that means it is still your wedding day so we will take wedding pictures on your wedding day with rain.
We photographed the wedding of Nines and Paolo back in August. You might have seen their engagement session here on the blog some months ago. Now finally I am also sharing with your their wonderful wedding. Being used to photograph weddings in North Europe it is quite different to start the preparations just at 4pm and have the ceremony right when the sun sets. It was a magic day with two wonderful people. The stunning flowers for the ceremony setting and Nines beautiful bouquet were designed by Emily Reid from Gypsy Floral from Austin, Texas. Isn't it great to have friends that come all the way from the US to join you for your wedding day and design your flower decoration ?
The wedding season started for us this year with the civil wedding of K and T at the little castle Burg Hülshoff. They are getting married at the church with all their family and friends next week. I always like to photograph both parts if a couple splits up their wedding into two parts. Like this we are able to tell their whole story.
Happy Easter Monday ! It is the Easter weekend and after I even got a little sunburn yesterday sitting outside all afternoon today I am wearing my warmest jumper and drink hot green tea as it rains and rains and rains. It is just typical April weather here in Münster. This morning when […]
I am sitting behind my desk being nervous and excited at the same time. Tonight I will give my very first workshop and to be honest though I am looking forward to it, it scares too. I just prepared a presentation of 103 slides for a three hour workshop. Too much ? Maybe. […]
We are busy working here on the first weddings of 2014 while I still blog beautiful weddings from 2013. Today I have the wonderful vintage themed wedding of Diana and Matze for you. You might remember them from their engagement session back in January. They met for their first look at the castle […]
Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
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