• I started my little company in 2009 working from my living room. Conrad and me had 60 square meters on paper (which was maybe 55 in reality) and my old secretary table was standing in our living room. I edited my first sessions on my 13″ Inch Samsung laptop (where I also worked […]

  • Last Saturday was a special day as I opened my first own exhibition. Thanks to the museum it was perfectly prepared. It was wonderful to see how many people came to enjoy the opening. It was a very special moment to me – which fits perfectly to the title of the exhibition „The […]

  • Wow – This weeks starts off with a bomb – I have gained a 15th place with one of my images  at the ISPWP Award and I couldn’t be any happier. This pictures is from Tabea & Christian’s wedding and I loved the reactions of the little boy during the ceremony.It has won […]

  • Last week I got a little package with the new issue of the German issue of „Braut & Bräutigam“ on my doorstep. I couldn’t wait to open it and see one of my weddings featured in it. The wedding of Tabea & Christian has been featured on three pages.

  • When I was looking back at 2011 I was looking at things that I improved and things that I still need to improve. During this evaluation I saw that I started using some programs in 2011 that really changed my life and way of working. I am not a photographer who teaches other photographers but maybe I can inspire one or the other with this post and maybe somebody is just in search of this one program to improve themselves.

    One program that really improved my workflow was "Photo Mechanic". It makes your picture selection after a wedding easy as a pie (though baking pies is still a miracle for me) and fast as a train.

  • Begin November I had the chance to attend the wonderful workshop of Mike Larson. Please find here some pictures of the fantastic location and decoration and us „models“ getting ready. It was such a good experience to stand in front of the camera this time and such a fun to do this together […]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.

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