Since March I changed our blog strategy (you might have noticed I blog a lot more since then) and the most asked question I get since then in mentor sessions or in messages is: "How do you plan and keep up with your blog?"
Blogging can be hard sometimes. Some posts might take you 20 minutes and others 2 hours but the more I blog the more ideas I get and as it is now part of my daily routine I love blogging a lot more than before where it felt obliged to write a blog post once a week. So this changed me and my relationship with my blog. I am not saying this is for everyone and it surely takes up a lot of time but for me it is definitely worth it. This blog is turning into one important part of my business and receiving messages and comments from people I would never expect to read my blog just makes me really happy.
Today 5 years ago it was the same sunny weather when I walked into the local town hall of our village. I was there early as my friends Eva and Reinhold got married that day and I was their proud witness. I walked into the trade office on the ground floor, I knocked on the door and said "Good morning I want to open a business". The two friendly men looked at me head to toe dressed up like someone who would go to a wedding (of course I was dressed up like going to a wedding that day, they just didn't know). And so within just 30 minutes I had a sheet of paper in my hands where it was written down in black letters and sealed with an ink blue signature that I just opened a business for photography. The two friendly men from the trade office and me sh0oke hands and just in that moment I saw Eva and Reinhold arrive in front of the town hall and I said to them "So good bye, I have to go to the registry office now. My friends outside are getting married now and I will be the witness." "Well you planned your appointments well at the town hall, Miss", one of the men said and we laughed while I left their office.
Since spring we decided to offer mentor sessions and work with other photographers to help them find their niche and their style of photography, develop their brand and business and finding the right client. There is always this one moment when I ask "Show me your portfolio." And the usual answer (that you might have in your head right now) "Mh maybe we look at the blog because I didn't update my portfolio since (fill in time, lets say 2 years) " And then I would ask "Well how would you attract your clients, your perfect clients" and the answer would be "Well you know that is the problem though I have all these exciting products, albums, great webdesign and new camera I have no idea how to find my perfect client, somehow I attract only clients for work I don't want to do." And then there is a little silence between us.
The idea for our welcome kit came from numerous emails with our brides. Our goal is it for each bride to give her the best wedding experience that she can get. As usually it is the first wedding for each bride and we have plenty of experience build up during the last years […]
When I started my business I was following my dream. I had the dream of becoming a wedding photographer. The moment I went full time I thought „Wow now I made it, I am a full time wedding photographer“. That was four years ago and today I know some things that I didn’t […]
After two episodes of "Find the light" where I showed you how to find good light when the sun is at its highest this episode is for situations where you are on an open field where you cannot find any shadow at all and the sun is still to high to create images with nice evening light.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
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