
Do you know the feeling when you walk in the supermarket and you hear a song that you didn't here for a very long time and suddenly you feel your throat is getting tied up and you feel a knot in your stomach. The song reminds you of an emotion that you felt [...]


2014 – A year in a review part 2

So after the first part of our review of 2014 here is my experience list of 2014. Where 2012 was the year of saying good bye and making new friends, 2013 was the year of arriving home and traveling at the same time. 2014 was the year of finding new roots and starting [...]

2014 – A year in a review part 22015-01-06T17:28:04+01:00

2014 – A year in a review

Happy new year. When you remember one of my last posts of 2014 where I was craving the slow season and some time off I can tell you I got my time off. We decided to close the office in between the holidays and just rest and take time for our family. It [...]

2014 – A year in a review2015-01-04T15:20:24+01:00

The slow season

This season is dark and rainy. It is hard to listen to Christmas music as everybody who looks outside the window is just waiting for snow and only finds the rain dropping on the windows. From my studio window I see into the shopping street of our village and see the people running in [...]

The slow season2014-12-18T18:40:39+01:00

Call me corny.. being back to Paris

Let me tell you a secret: Paris is my favorite city in the world. You got me, this is not a secret I am obsessed with Paris and I already shared so many posts about Paris with you. This year we had the pleasure to come back to Paris for two photo shoots [...]

Call me corny.. being back to Paris2014-12-10T13:56:56+01:00

Finds part 5 (the Christmas edition)

    It is a gray Monday and I am sitting here finishing the Christmas sessions from last weekends that we do every year. Secretly I hope we would go and get our Christmas tree today but as Conrad is so busy with our bookkeeping I don't dare to disturb him. So to [...]

Finds part 5 (the Christmas edition)2014-12-08T18:06:40+01:00
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