• Welcome to a new episode of “Finds” . If you want to see more of these posts and my little online finds through the world wide web garden than head over here. I am sitting here looking outside the window of my office and wait for spring to arrive. But all I can […]

  • Let’s start honestly: I am a quite moody person. I don’t like to be a moody persona but honestly I just cannot change it. Meaning that I have good moods and bad moods too. And every time I am in a bad mood and the person’s next to me like Conrad do feel […]

  • Since one month Conrad and I go to the climbing wall each week. We booked the early-bird package and can climb lonely on all walls until everybody comes from work and the hall is getting crowded. One of the advantages of being self-employed, is you can choose to take time off while others work […]

  • Where has the time gone? Seriously I know everybody is writing about how time flies (including me several times this week) and at the end of the day I am sitting behind my computer in a dark office with my desk lamp switched on and wonder how the day could pass by so […]

  • Welcome to a new episode of „Finds“ . If you want to see more of these posts and my little online finds through the world wide web garden than head over here. It is just rainy outside and I sit behind my desk trying to drink my two liters water a day (good […]

  • I was sitting behind my desk, it was already dark outside and I looked at my to do list which was still more to do than done. A deep breathe escaped my throat and he came into my office and looked at me. I know what he saw wasn’t glamurous or pretty, I […]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.

Dein Have-it-all Guide

‚Work-Life-Passion: Der Mini-Guide für dein perfektes Gleichgewicht‘ direkt in deine Mailbox.

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