The day after

You might have read my post about the Monday wedding yesterday. I woke up Tuesday morning eager to do my workout. But I felt the heaviness of my legs and my aching back and I just didn't know how to get up. Those days after a long wedding feel bittersweet. On the one [...]

The day after2014-07-17T13:07:06+02:00

Home made Sushi |Bucket-before-30-list

What I am seeing with my "Bucket-before-30-list" is that since I wrote those things down I try really to accomplish them. So after visiting the Andreas Feininger exhibition last week we took the chance yesterday to prepare some fresh home made sushi. Since we live in a village we don't have fresh good fish every day. On Tuesdays and Fridays there is fresh fish on the local market so we can only make sushi on those two days.

Home made Sushi |Bucket-before-30-list2014-07-02T15:11:36+02:00

Andreas Feininger Exhibition | Bucket-before-30-list

Those of you who follow my blog might have seen my "Bucket-before-30-list". A list of tasks that I want to accomplish before turning 30 in July. One of the points were visiting the Andreas Feininger exhibition. Yesterday my friend Helen (you might remember her from the "Find the light videos" ) took the [...]

Andreas Feininger Exhibition | Bucket-before-30-list2014-06-30T11:33:44+02:00


So this month is slowly getting to an end which means July is waiting right in front of our door. This July will be very special for me as we are celebrating two birthdays. The big events in July are: me turning 30 years old and my business turning 5 years old. So as there are a little more then 30 days left in my 30s I decided I start celebrating this special birthday a little earlier (those who know me know how obsessed I am with birthdays) So here is my little bucket-before-30 list - as I am in the middle of wedding season at the same time I won’t be to hard to myself if I don’t get to do everything on the list. But I promise I will try !


Follow your dreams, they know the way

When I started my business  I was following my dream. I had the dream of becoming a wedding photographer. The moment I went full time I thought "Wow now I made it, I am a full time wedding photographer". That was four years ago and today I know some things that I didn't [...]

Follow your dreams, they know the way2014-06-17T17:08:45+02:00
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