• I think this series is just the perfect post to end this week and start the weekend.

    We met Agnes and Michel for a cup of coffee and their engagement session in their home town Wassenaar. Driving there after two sunny days in Holland we saw a huge dark wall of clouds coming and the weather forecast warned that a huge rain storm was coming.

    We decided to start our date with the engagement session to be sure to not get into the rain storm.

  • We met with Katinka and Marcus at the Oldenhof in Flevoland (Netherlands) at 7:30 AM on a Monday morning for their engagement session. Our schedules both of them and hours were so tight that we just couldn't find another date and time for their session. I am not an early bird usually but this wonderful couple, the location and the special morning light let me fall in love with early morning sessions.

  • I was still holding the iphone app in my hand when we drove to the Silbersee, the weather app open and refreshing every 10 seconds. Rain was the weather forecast and we couldn’t change the date for this engagement session. We stepped out of the car zipping our Jack Wolfskin jackets as it […]

  • When we met up with Anne and Sebastian for their engagement session in Münster they brought us real Belgian pralines. Living in Belgium this was not a big surprise you would say but receiving an unexpected gift is always a surprise to me ! And while I write these words these little pralines wander one after the other into my stomach. These two really know the way to my little photographer heart.

  • When you arrive in Norddeich and take the ferry to the little island Juist you cannot do anything but calm down. You see the mainland fading slowly and the sky starts touching the water. You hear nothing but the sound of the ferry and you feel your thoughts and heatbeat getting a step slower. I was excited to go to Juist to photograph Patrice and Sascha's engagement session as I have never been to that island before.

  • Jessica and Bodo are one of our favorite wedding couples from 2013. I photographed Jessica's bachelorette party in April 2013 and their wedding in July 2013. When Jessica asked me to photograph the two of them again in my studio I was over the moon and when she mentioned that she fell in love with the images of my blue couch here I already started planning the shoot in my head. We contacted Daniela Plesser for Jessica's hair and make-up again and planned the outfits.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.

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