They contacted me from Moscow to do their engagement session in Amsterdam and three weeks later we finally met. „Why didn’t you want to get your pictures taken in Moscow ?“ I asked them astonished when we met at Rembrandtplein in the heart of Amsterdam. My romantic idea of Moscow was apparently not […]
The fifth part of my wedding review 2011 will show some engagement pictures. Unfortunately I don’t have the chance to do engagement sessions with all my clients. An Engagement session is always so much fun and it gives my couples and me the chance to get to know each other better.
There are together since ever and ever or at least since high school. And knowing each other for half a lifetime and loving each other for almost the same period of time they are now tying the knot and becoming husband and wife. They wanted an engagement session in their home town Münster […]
[quote]Look into my eyes You will see, what you mean to me Search your heart , search your soul And when you find me, then you’ll search no more[/quote] -Everything I Do by Bryan Adams
It was for sure one of the last sunny days before autumn really began in Holland. I met Floor and Roeland with their two cute sons in a forest around Utrecht to capture their engagement pictures and make them a nice guest book for the wedding. I will show you their guest book […]
Shortly before their wedding I got an email from Yvonne telling me that her best friend and witness got asked to get married as well and that she wanted to give them an engagement session as a present. One week after the wedding of Phillip and Yvonne I then met with Anja and […]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
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