Engagement Sessions or Love Shoots are a great chance to get pictures taken in advance to the wedding. You can dress up like you feel and you can include accessories or special places that you wont be able to visit on your wedding day. It is casual and fun and you get pictures […]
Spring is slowly arriving in Holland and the wedding season is slowly getting started. Last week I met with Gretchen and Jan in Bloemendaal aan Zee to celebrate their engagement and to capture their love on a wonderful day at the beach. His passion is sailing and the sea so the choice to […]
[quote]I love you for the man you are, I love you for the things you do, I love you for the things you say. But most of all I love you because you love me for the woman I am for the things I do and for the things I say. I love […]
I am very proud and happy to see the love shoot of Marina & Denis featured on the wedding blog b.loved. If you need inspiration for your wedding make sure to browse through Louise’s fantastic wedding blog. Click here to see my feature.
[quote]I love you for the man you are, I love you for the things you do, I love you for the things you say. But most of all I love you because you love me for the woman I am for the things I do and for the things I say. I love […]
I wish you all a wonderful Valentine’s Day with this sneak peek of the love shoot from last Friday.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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