If you just took the time to head over to my blog on this Monday I want to say thank you for coming back today and for being one of either my new readers or my loyal readers. I truly appreciate your time to come back every time. Lately I saw a video on […]
You know what I love? I love to tell stories. I started telling the story of Tabea and Christian for their wedding in 2011 and we continued their photographic story last year for their three year wedding anniversary. Yesterday we continued this story with the maternity shoot of Tabea. “It has been said […]
Earlier this month we started a new business and we got so much positive feedback from friends, family and followers (the three big F in our life ;-) ) Thank you all for cheering us up with your comments, supporting us and letting us know that we are on the right path. Because […]
Yesterday had been a holiday over here and we were off with some school friends for camping – no internet, no blog. This weekend has also marked our 13th anniversary. Can you believe it? I am dating this wonderful man since 13 years. So while getting back into the office and wediting mode here […]
Welcome to a new episode of “Finds†. If you want to see more of these posts and my little online finds through the world wide web garden than head over here. Well it might be biased but the first monogram find online is our new webshop Mein Monogramm Though it is […]
There are a few reasons to get married in April: 1. You can only be surprised with good weather as everybody will expect rain and cold; 2. You will have the cherry and apple blossoms for your wedding pictures; 3. The town hall is not as high frequented as in May. The wedding […]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
Dein Have-it-all Guide
‚Work-Life-Passion: Der Mini-Guide für dein perfektes Gleichgewicht‘ direkt in deine Mailbox.
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Mein Mailprogramm und das nicht nur für diese Seite, sondern gleich für drei verschiedene Businesses