How can I attract the perfect client ?
Since spring we decided to offer mentor sessions and work with other photographers to help them find their niche and their style of photography, develop their brand and business and finding the right client. There is always this one moment when I ask „Show me your portfolio.“ And the usual answer (that you might have in your head right now) „Mh maybe we look at the blog because I didn’t update my portfolio since (fill in time, lets say 2 years) “ And then I would ask „Well how would you attract your clients, your perfect clients“ and the answer would be „Well you know that is the problem though I have all these exciting products, albums, great webdesign and new camera I have no idea how to find my perfect client, somehow I attract only clients for work I don’t want to do.“ And then there is a little silence between us.
Imagine your client going to your website. What would be the first click be or maybe the third after „Blog“ and „About me“ right that would be „Galleries“, „Portfolio“, „Weddings“ whatever you call it – your clients want to see a gallery of your work. And what happens if your perfect bride (just imagine her now ! ) clicks on your „Portfolio“ link (even though if she asked you in advance, you would have told her it is not up to date) and all she sees it your old mediocre images showing wedding locations you never want to photograph again, showing poses you would never photograph again and showing bad lighting as you didn’t know better 2 years ago when you updated your gallery the last time. Or even better: though you call yourself a wedding photographer and write about how much you love weddings, all she sees is babys and toddlers in your gallery. What would she do ? She would leave your website.
So the answer to the question „How can I attract my perfect client?“ starts with a point as easy and obvious as clear blue water „Show what you want to shoot!“ – nothing else.
I am a huge ambassador for black and white images, for authentic portraits and emotional moments on a wedding day. Besides that I love details that belong to the day and that have a meaning to the wedding couple. Those are the pictures I show in my galleries.
If you are sitting there now reading my blog and surfing Facebook at the same time and just having some 30 minutes to spare just head over to your website look at your galleries and delete every image that doesn’t belong to your style of photography and that you doesn’t reflect the images you really stand for. Your portfolio can better contain less images but only the one you love and that speak right from your heart than having hundreds of images where half of it is something you don’t want to shoot again. It is so worth it and believe me if your perfect bridal couple is just screening the web for their perfect wedding photographer and they find your gallery composed of images where each and every image speaks to them the chance they will book you is much higher than it was just yesterday with your old gallery.
Here is a selection from my gallery of authentic, emotional, intimate and elegant images.
If you are interested in a mentor session with us, write us an email to contact(a)

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
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