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Anja & Flavio | Engagement in grandma’s garden

2016 haben wir so viele tolle Paare mit der Kamera begleitet. Anja und Flavio war ein Paar davon. Er professioneller Basketballspieler und Personal Coach  und Anja ist Juristin in Hamburg. Schon bei dem Engagement Shooting der beiden im Garten von Flavios Großeltern hatten wir so viel Spaß. Blog --> Anja und Flavio ________________ In 2016 we photographed so many wonderful couples. One of them were Anja and Flavio. She is an advocat and he is a professional baskeball player and personal trainer. We had so much fun during their engagement session in the garden of Flavios grandparents. Blog --> Anja and Flavio    

An engagement in Bad Bentheim | Uwe and Bianca

I met Uwe in 2004 in my 3-week-Dutch-course that I needed to start my studies in the Netherlands. From the first day, his student home and our student house were friends for the whole time of our studies. Looking back and at those old pictures I can just smile and see what a great time we had during our studies. After we finished our studies in 2008 we lost contact but thanks to Facebook in nowadays people never really lose contact and then in January 2017, I got a message from Uwe telling me that he was about to get married and if we would photograph his wedding. He and his wonderful girlfriend Bianca came over to just discuss a few things around the wedding and we ended up chatting all [...]

My favorite moments

Weddings are pure emotion - everybody is happy and enthusiastic. Maybe that is one of the best things about weddings. After 9 years of wedding photography, there is still one moment that is my favorite moment to shoot at each single wedding. It is the moment right after the ceremony when the bride and groom leave the church or the place of ceremony. They walk out and you see clearly thing in their eyes: relief and joy. After being excited and nervous before the ceremony this is the moment to enjoy being greeted and welcomed as husband and wife by their family and friends. Have a look at what I mean....    

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.




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