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3 things that I learned from relaunching my site during the most busy season of the year

Some call me crazy and every wedding photographer around me raises an eyebrow looking at me saying "You are relaunching you blog during the wedding season?" and I know what they think. Either they think I am totally crazy or they think I am just not booked enough. Well I can tell you two things: I might be a little crazy as I relaunched within one month next to having 8 weddings at the same time. It was an extreme situation but the great things about extreme situations is that when they are over you are proud of yourself that you made it through this period of time and you see clearly what this situation has thought you for life.  Here are 3 lessons I learned from the past four weeks of relaunching: [...]

When things change you can wait and watch or adjust to the change

Today five years ago I posted this blogpost on my small blog: Ein besonderer Geburtstag (German only). Remembering how I sat on my couch in Holland writing those personal words makes me feel a little sentimental. Looking at what has happened since then in my life feels just unreal and makes me very grateful and even a little proud. I wish I could have told my grandpa all the stories from the past five years. He loved listening to my stories... So here is a new one for you others who like to listen to my stories: When things change you can do two things: stand there waiting and watching or adjust to the change. For us three things changed significantly during the past 12 months: First, this is our biggest [...]

Under construction…

You might have recognized that we are not blogging that much lately. First I have to apologize for this as I appreciate each and every single reader of you and secondly I will share some news with you: we are under construction to get some new features for this blog and to separate our wedding gallery. And as much as I love blogging here at the moment it is just a little too much... as I said before it is just a matter of priorities and at the moment my priorities have to be with my wedding couples and this restructuring of our online presence. I don't like to admit it as I like to accomplish everything at once and I like to be able to do it all but now I [...]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.









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