2 Kinder, 1 Online Business, 1 Service Unternehmen für Autoren, 12 Romane und ein riesen Haufen Wäsche. Wie ich es trotzdem schaffe, abends mit meinem Mann Netflix zu schauen? Lade meinen gratis Guide herunter.

Kopiere meine heimliche Formel für dein Leben.

What no one tells you about happiness.

This week I started reading a book and the first thing in the first chapter mentioned was: Choose to be happy. If that would be true it would mean that only we alone as a person are responsible to live a happy life and we couldn't blame the weather for our bad mood, the person in the supermarket who just took the last bottle of milk to destroy our day, the person living with us for leaving their socks all over the place for being guilty of creating a tense atmosphere. It would mean we cannot blame the general situation, the lost client, our period, the news or even the empty bank account for feeling bad and being unhappy. That would be quite a change of life wouldn't it? I thought about [...]

5 SEO tips to make sure your blog gets found on google

SEO is a big topic for every small and big business owner. Either you are a photographer or you run your own cupcake store you want to make sure people will find you on google. Because the first thing everybody does when searching for a shop, a service, a vendor, a dress, a product, a location, a vacation, some food, or drinks or just a book is heading over to the four colored search engine and type what they are searching for. To make sure that you are the first answer that comes up in the list of million search engine results there are many different strategies and to get you started somewhere to be found instead of lost on page 1 468 here are my top 5 tips to get [...]

Engagement session at the lake | Birgit & Kai

This weekend is our last double wedding weekend meaning we have a wedding on Friday and Saturday. Though we might be dead tired on Sunday a double wedding weekend is always exciting as we get to witness two different wedding days of two totally different couples within 48 hours. Birgit and Kai are one of these two couples this weekend. We took their engagement pictures back in August when it was still warm and summer. We walked around the lake and just had a great time stopping here and there chatting about life and about the wedding. I loved Birgit's idea of bringing flowers to their shoot and we incorporated their love for biking. I am so excited for their big day today!    

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.









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