2 Kinder, 1 Online Business, 1 Service Unternehmen für Autoren, 12 Romane und ein riesen Haufen Wäsche. Wie ich es trotzdem schaffe, abends mit meinem Mann Netflix zu schauen? Lade meinen gratis Guide herunter.

Kopiere meine heimliche Formel für dein Leben.

Thank you

Today I am just here to say a huge thank you. We arrived home yesterday evening after our wedding photography workshop in corporation with our friend Anouschka Rokebrand The French Experience. The drive back home was just exhausting. Accidents followed by hour long traffic jam, endless rain and constructions on the motor way made it hard to drive. Arriving home after those few days full of presentation, shootings and one-on-one sessions my heart was full of love and memories but my feet just couldn't carry me anymore. The well deserved sleep and my own bed rescued me from getting grumpy after being so tired. This morning I woke up, still feeling tired and sore but with a smile on my face. These last days have been so special and I thank [...]

The marketing napkin: The summer recap

Lately I got some emails that people were missing my marketing napkin posts. And that is of course something that I couldn't leave like that and decided it was about time for a new round of drinks and napkins. The summer is almost over and we sit on the terrace in the sun wearing a wool cape around the shoulders and a blanket on our knees. I take a sip of my red Tempranillo and decide it is a good one, just great for this cosy season. "What did you change since we last met ?" And I look at you through my sunglasses. Just in case you are the one sitting right next to me swallowing hard, wanting to drown in your glas of Tempranillo or turn back the time [...]

How do you know the sky is the limit?

guys it is Friday and I am soooo excited because of two reasons: First: tomorrow is our very first weekend off since the the end of April and as much as I love being well booked and going to a wedding to photograph it every weekend, as much I am excited to have a day a SATURDAY off tomorrow! Yeeeha. Second: on Monday we leave for our first workshop and it is not only the very first wedding photography workshop that we host together with our friends Anouschka and Ray but it will also take place at a beautiful chateau in France. Speaking of making dreams become true this is definitely two dreams made true in one event. So to keep you being inspired and encourage you to never dream to [...]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.









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