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Kopiere meine heimliche Formel für dein Leben.

Honestly….maybe it is just a new chapter

Honestly, I am always afraid of life-changing decisions. When I finished my studies and was about to start conquering the corporate world I thought, that after 13 years at school and 4 years at University my whole life would change now. I was so excited to start working, earning money, having a nice flat and just living the good life. But honestly... nothing changed. Yes, I earned money and my days looked different than before where I had so much time to spare and long nights learning. But besides my daily rhythm, my furniture, and my bank account nothing changed. I didn't change. When I quit my daytime job a few years later I thought that now being my own boss and being completely independent will change my whole life. [...]

And what if it rains?

Wedding planning can be quite exhausting. You plan the flowers, the decoration, you buy the most beautiful dress and you invite all your friends. And then there is one thing that nobody can plan: The Weather. Even when we photographed a wedding in the South of Spain we were forced with the danger of an upcoming tornado rolling by. But getting married in the North of Europe will influence your choice of location even more than in the South. We cannot plan the summer and we have rain and wind during all seasons. A rainy wedding day is not only the biggest freight for a bride it also is for a wedding photographer. At least that is what I hear all the time. Rain is not a big problem when you [...]

Hi that’s me

Friday Introductions: Hi there I am Jennifer, or Jenny like most of the people call me. I am a Leo born end of July and though I am a summer child I have the palest skin. Actuality my skin is so pale it never changes it's colour. My hair is naturally red and as you can see on this picture I have a thing for red lipstick as well. July next year not only marks my 35th birthday but also my 10 year business anniversary. Back then I started my own photography business and never looked back to going back to work. In 2015 I started my second business @meinmonogramm.de which has now an ambitious team working and sending personalized products through all of Germany and Europe. I could eat spinach [...]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.




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