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Behind the scenes of our workshop

Last Friday I already posted a hug thank you here ont he blog for our workshop to all vendors, partners, attendees, Anouschka and to Ray and Conrad for the support and enthousiasm of our workshop. Today I just want to share some behind the scenes fun with you. Apparently we took A.LOT images during the shoots and were so captivated by the moment during the speaking sessions that we don't have images of those. So I promise you there were long presentations and speaking sessions and not only shoots :-) Have fun reliving our workshop or if you weren't part of the crew seeing what we were up to during those three days in France! And if you want to read Anouschka's beautiful post about the behind the scenes too click [...]

How to stop feeling jealous

It is snowing in October... Just a week ago we walked outside with just a long sleeve on but today the world has changed and it decided it was time for winter. Sitting here all wrapped up in my poncho behind my desk I have to think about this year so far and how exciting it was for us. It was a rollercoaster and the dark shadows under my eyes kind of emphasize this crazy ride. But though feeling tired and fighting a cold every other week I have a state of content in my heart that I never felt before. I have less sleepless nights, less worries and there is one big change that I grew into: I don't feel jealous anymore. Jealousy is something evil that eats you from the inside and [...]

Summer wedding at Sudmühlen Hof | Susanne & Stefan

While I am wrapped in a blanket behind my computer with hot tea and wollen socks I cannot deny: the summer is over. It is getting cosy, colorful and cold over here and I have to admit this autumn season is my favorite season of all. While looking back at this special summer I have so many more wedding to show and share with you here on my hard drives. Today I am super excited to share with you the beautiful wedding of Susanne and Stefan back from June this year. The day started very special to us with a love shoot of them together just before they would head to Lotharinger Kloster for their civil wedding. A lot of couples would thing having the civil wedding and the church wedding [...]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.









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