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Getting ready in a castle #frenchexperienceworkshop

As part of our workshop The French experience in October this year I guided our attendees through a getting ready shoot in the morning of the first workshop day.  Of course the Chateau de Mairy was a beautiful location for a getting ready shoot, specially with our patient model Tammy from www.sugarlipscakes.com and the creative team around the shoot but nonetheless we tried to show the attendees some tips and tricks to get even better images in a crowded room. A huge thanks goes to our model and the creative team as well as to all attendees who helped each other getting the best images and even in this small room didn't stand in each other's images. It was a pleasure to work with you all. An experience and beautiful souls [...]

Monday Preview

Guys it is that time of the year again: The last wedding couple received their images, it is getting dark outside at 4:30h, I cannot wait to set up the Christmas tree, Conrad forbids me to play Christmas music in the office and my hard drive is enthusiastically jumping up and down on my desk because there is so much beauty saved on it. So I am starting again with a Monday preview to tease you a little about the imagery that I am going to share with you soon.   Hair and makeup: Marianne Roza for The Beautiful Bride Company,www.beautifulbridecompany.nl, Instagram @beautifulbridecompany Gown: Unielle Couture, www.uniellecouture.com, Instagram @unielle_couture Headpiece, lace bridal cover-up and veil: SIBO Designs,www.sibodesigns.com, Instagram @sibodesigns Jewelry: DRKS, www.drksonline.com, Instagram @drksonline Stationery: Leintjes Exclusief, www.leintjes-exclusieve-trouwkaarten.com, Instagram @leintjesexclusief Styling: RedWhiteBluePink, www.redwhitebluepink.nl, [...]

Pros and Cons of being your own boss

Recently I got a message from an old friend an she wrote me: "I envy your life, you are free being your own boss. I want to live your life." Those are very big words to write and even bigger words to read as it is one of the biggest compliments somebody could give. People easily envy other people's lives, homes, cars, jobs, relationships, bodies, lifestyles but who is ever so honest to tell somebody to envy them. I was such a big thing that I couldn't stop thinking about it and want to write down a few pros and cons for all who either envy the life of somebody being self employed or for somebody who is too fearful to start becoming her own boss. And as I like to end my posts [...]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.









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