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Summer wedding at Landhotel Beverland

I don't remember how long these two love birds are already a couple, when you see how they look at each other and how they treat each other you might think they just met and fell in love. Apart for their love for each other they also have a big thing for their home town Münster. And as they don't live here anymore they decided they wanted some portraits in the city centre. Let me explain first that Britta and Jan are two calm people who don't fancy being the centre of attention. We arrived at the Principal market and it was crowded with people and little white tents as the annual city festival was going on. Everywhere were little stages with singer/songwriter contests and people standing around them to enjoy [...]

The marketing napkin: How to stand out in the crowd – part 3

It is already Friday again! Can you believe it? So it is time for the third part of the mini series  "How to stand out in the crowd". The first two parts can be found here and here. In the first two posts we discussed being unique and set yourself apart from every other "fellow competitor" in your field, to be different and to create your own voice to becoming a consistent artist based on your uniqueness. These two points have been crucial to start a business and to stand out from everyone else but now comes the third part and sometimes I wonder if this is the hardest parts of all.... at least for some it must be. It is early in the morning, I am fighting a little flu, [...]

A wedding at Parkhotel Schloss Hohenfeld

Caro and Malte are two of the sweetest people. She smiles and laughs all the time and he is calm and kind. We had the great honor to photograph their two day wedding in Münster, our home town, in July last year. Where should I start telling you about these two special days and about these two even more special people? Caro and Malte care a lot about the people around them, specially their family. Caro's sisters were her maids of honor and they organized a game set in the big park of their wedding location Parkhotel Schloss Hohenfeld so everybody was properly entertained during the reception. These games included a memo game with special parts of their life and for Malte and his friends a Mario Cart game. The best players [...]

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.









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