Award Nomination for the BFA 2014 in the Netherlands
So I am back with very good news. The Dutch magazine Bruid & Bruidegom (also known in Germany as Braut & Bräutigam) announced the nominations of the “Bruidsfoto Award 2014″ and I am beyond proud and happy to tell you that one of my images has been nominated in the category “Bride & Groom†(Bruid & Bruidegom).
Please go to the website of the magazine and vote for my image ! Just click the link here.
The website is in Dutch and I hope you will find your way. If you are not a photographer you click “Bruidsparen†and if you are a photographer you just click “Collega-Fotografenâ€.
If you open the website in a Google Chrome browser you can use the „translate“ option and the website will be easily translated in your language.
You have to chose 2 images in each category and one image in the last category with the name „Loveshoot“ and then you just have to fill in you details and that’s it.
I really appreciate every single vote !!!! So please vote for my image.

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