Autumn wedding | Bianca and Uwe
Guys, there are days where I love being a wedding photographer and there are days where I LOOOOOVE being a wedding photographer. After the lovely afternoon with Bianca and Uwe for their engagement session, it was already clear that photographing their wedding day would be fun. When we arrived at the little castle that they specially hired for the getting ready (speaking of dream clients hiring a castle only for the getting ready images!) we were welcomed so warmly and hearty that even their friends asked us if we were old friends. Since I studied together with Uwe in the Netherlands and were in the same Dutch course we could answer this question proudly with YES!
Just like us they choose October as their wedding month and just like us they hoped for a golden, colorful autumn day. Unfortunately, it was a gloomy dark autumn rain with pouring rain in the afternoon. But being well prepared they took the free ceremony from outside to inside their wedding location.
Bianca and Uwe it was such a fun day with you two and we are so happy that we call you our friends now. We are so looking forward to seeing you two again!

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