Autumn engagement session at the castle
Where should I start with this post? It is quite hard to describe these two wonderful people that we got to photograph for their engagement session last October.
Meeting these two for the first time was like meeting old friends. Do you know when the atmosphere shifts from a client meeting to a relaxed talk and you know that this can only be the perfect fit? We had this feeling with Inga and Christopher at each and every meeting with them from the first appointment in our studio till last week when we met again at a wedding fair. Their engagement session in October wasn’t any different from that. Apart from that we also planned the session on one of those perfect autumn days when the leaves were yellow and everything looked so colorful and beautiful as if somebody painted it. We met in front of the big castle in Münster hoping for the perfect afternoon light over there we started the relaxed session. And I can tell you it wasn’t only the light that made this session this perfect. The connection between Inga and Christopher is truly special and everything we search for in a love shoot. It was just such a fun afternoon together that I seriously cannot wait for their wedding in September this year.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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