Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

The curse of perfection part 2

I searched back in my blogposts to find this one: "The curse of perfection". And I wouldn't search for it if it wasn't the thought that kept in my mind. Why does everybody need to be perfect? What is it that we cannot accept anything but perfect? I listened to two girls at [...]

The curse of perfection part 22016-04-12T13:59:24+02:00

Wedding at Fürstabtei Herford

Last summer we had the great pleasure to capture the two day wedding of Carolin and Christian. The first day was on Friday afternoon at the "Fürstabtei" in Herford. The group around the wedding couple was just intimate: the closest family and a few friends. Feeling to be part of the day is the [...]

Wedding at Fürstabtei Herford2016-03-30T15:03:46+02:00

The new office

November the 5th 2012 I wrote quite an exciting blog post (exciting for me now). The post was titled "My first studio". I won't rewrite everything that I wrote back then, though all those words would just fit perfectly into this post. How I started my business from the living room, evolved to [...]

The new office2016-03-30T10:54:11+02:00
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