Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

Historic city center engagement session – Verena & George

You know I have a heart for international love stories but this one is really so cute. Verena, from Germany, and George, from the Uk, met on a bus in Spain where he offered her shortbread... Seriously? A good romantic movie with Hugh Grant would start like this wouldn't it? We met Verena and [...]

Historic city center engagement session – Verena & George2017-01-03T18:01:23+01:00

2016 in a review

Here it is January again... Where 2012 was the year of saying good bye and making new friends, 2013 was the year of arriving home and traveling at the same time. 2014 was the year of finding new roots and starting to dream big. 2015 was the year of realizing a big dream [...]

2016 in a review2017-01-03T19:15:19+01:00

Thank you 2016 – welcome 2017

I am sitting here at our dinner table in our 1950s house that still feels like our new home, though we already live here 7 months. The table is covered in envelopes and cards for the family and Conrad is packing all our Christmas gifts in blue paper. This year has been more [...]

Thank you 2016 – welcome 20172016-12-24T09:48:56+01:00

Romantic autumn wedding at Schloss Velen

Do you remember last year October... these golden trees and colors everywhere? It was a perfect autumn to celebrate a beautiful wedding day. Like the day of Carina and Jarek at Sportschloss Velen. It was a day filled with love and loughter, and though this sounds like I would say this about every [...]

Romantic autumn wedding at Schloss Velen2016-10-27T12:32:11+02:00

NEW : the posing guide

WE are so excited to share with you our newest add-on to the webshop: the posing guide for creating connection - English and Posing guide, Fang die Emotion ein - Deutsch. After years of shoots and weddings we decided it was about time to put all our experiences and tricks into one guide and offer it [...]

NEW : the posing guide2017-03-03T15:24:39+01:00

Posing for creating connection

  Have you ever been in a portrait shoot and thought... "What should I do next?" or did you ever have a black out during a couple session not knowing how to pose your client in the next picture? Did you ever wonder how to create images with movement and with a connection [...]

Posing for creating connection2016-10-13T17:26:27+02:00
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