Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

Back from Scotland

We are home again after one month of wonderful traveling. The last 9 days in particular where special to us as we traveled through Scotland by train and discovered this beautiful country.  For now I just leave you here with a tiny preview of the highlight of our trip: the west coast line through [...]

Back from Scotland2014-11-24T15:06:25+01:00

Back from Scotland

We are home again after one month of wonderful traveling. The last 9 days in particular where special to us as we traveled through Scotland by train and discovered this beautiful country.  For now I just leave you here with a tiny preview of the highlight of our trip: the west coast line through [...]

Back from Scotland2014-11-24T15:06:24+01:00

Weihnachtsshootings 2014

Nun beginnt wieder die gemütliche Zeit des Jahres. Die Weihnachtszeit! Wir bieten wieder (genau wie in den vergangenen Jahren) an zwei Tagen Weihnachtsshootings für Familien (bis zu 5 Personen) und Paare an. Die Shootings richten sich an alle: - die gerne endlich das eine Familienportrait machen wollen, das sie schon das ganze Jahr [...]

Weihnachtsshootings 20142014-11-26T15:03:50+01:00

Holiday Sessions 2014

It is that cosy time of the year again. It is Christmas time! We are opening again (like the past years) two dates for Christmas mini sessions for families (up to 5 people) and couples. These sessions are great for: - having that one family portrait this year that you are planning all [...]

Holiday Sessions 20142014-11-26T13:10:59+01:00
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