Über Jennifer

Hi, I am Jennifer a wedding photographer, blogger, marketing lover and co-founder of meinmonogramm.de. I am equally addicted to coffee and green tea and I love some good jazz, the vanity fair magazine, a lazy Sunday with my kindle and the sweet village I live in with my love and business partner Conrad.

2014 – A year in a review

Happy new year. When you remember one of my last posts of 2014 where I was craving the slow season and some time off I can tell you I got my time off. We decided to close the office in between the holidays and just rest and take time for our family. It [...]

2014 – A year in a review2015-01-04T15:20:24+01:00

Posts für Fotografen 2014

  Now Christmas is really around the corner and I can finally start with my favorite posts of the year: the "this has been 2014 posts". And I am starting theses posts with a series for photographers who have some time between the holidays and search for some business inspiration. These have been our [...]

Posts für Fotografen 20142014-12-28T17:58:53+01:00

Merry Christmas

We are off to spend the next days with our closest family and friends. The blog will be silent over the holidays and we will be back here on January 5th.   We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy year 2015. May all your holiday wishes become true. 

Merry Christmas2014-12-23T15:47:20+01:00

For photographers 2014

Now Christmas is really around the corner and I can finally start with my favorite posts of the year: the "this has been 2014 posts". And I am starting theses posts with a series for photographers who have some time between the holidays and search for some business inspiration. These have been our posts [...]

For photographers 20142014-12-22T15:59:15+01:00

Die Endjahres-Challenge

Ok dieses jahr geht nun zu Ende (was warscheinlich keine Überraschung für euch ist) und ich wollte euch noch ein letztes Mal fordern bevor wir dann auf 2015 anstoßen (das könnte euch aus eurem morgentlichen Tief herausholen). Als ich an meinem Schreibtisch saß und nach dem einen Bild von der einen Hochzeit in [...]

Die Endjahres-Challenge2014-12-19T10:25:41+01:00

The end of year challenge

Ok this year is getting to an end (this might not surprise you) and I want to invite you for a little challenge before we toast to 2015 (now this might get you out of your morning nap). So I was sitting behind my desk searching for that one image of that one [...]

The end of year challenge2014-12-19T10:56:16+01:00
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